Waste management
The widely acknowledged increase in solid waste production,together with theincreased concern about environmental issues, haveled local governments and agencies
to devote resources to solid waste collection policy planning.Waste management is a keyprocess to protect the environment andconserve resources. In recent years, policies of
governments towards waste management have focused on wasteavoidance, reuse andrecycling. As a result there has beensignificant progress in these management areas,
particularly for the more developed nations. The environmentalaspects of wastemanagement means that activities concerning thetransport of waste materials are clearly
part of the Green Logistics agenda.
Vehicle routing and scheduling
The Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem (VRSP) concerns thedeterminationof routes and schedules for a fleet of vehicles tosatisfy the demands of a set of customers.
The basic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) can bedescribed in thefollowing way.We are given a set of homogeneousvehicles each of capacity Q, located
at a central depot and a set of customers with known locationsand demands to besatisfied by deliveries from the central depot.Each vehicle route must start and end at the
central depot and the total customer demand satisfied bydeliveries on each route mustnot exceed the vehicle capacity, Q.The objective is to determine a set of routes for the
vehicles that will minimize the total cost. The total cost isusually proportional to thetotal distance traveled if the number ofvehicles is fixed and may also include anadditional termproportional to the number of vehicles used if the number of routesmay vary.
贸易环境稳定 清关简单容易 当然,在谈及落地配之前,跨境电商企业需要面对的则是跨国清关问题。