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Reverse Logistics

There are various definitions of Reverse Logistics to be foundin the literature. Forexample,Fleischmann et al. (1997) say thatreverse logistics is “a process whichencompasses the logisticsactivities all the way from used products no longer required bytheuser to products again usable in a market”. Dowlatshahi (2000)explains ReverseLogistics as “a process in which a manufacturersystematically accepts previouslyshipped products or parts from thepoint for consumption for possible recycling,

remanufacturing or disposal”. Later, the European Working Groupon Reverse Logistics,REVLOG, Dekker et al. (2004), give thisdefinition: “The process of planning,implementing and controllingbackward flows of raw materials, in process inventory,packaging andfinished goods, from a manufacturing, distribution or use point, toa point

of recovery or point of proper disposal”.In their book, Rogersand Tibben-Lembke (1999)briefly consider the differences betweenReverse Logistics and Green Logistics. In

Reverse Logistics there should be some flow of products or goodsback from theconsumer to an earlier stage of the supply chain.Thereduction of waste that this implies

certainly means that Reverse Logistics should be included withinGreen Logistics. Forexample, De Brito and Van Der Laan (2003)examine inventory management issues

when product returns must be estimated. However there will beother models of logisticsactivities involving only forward flows ofgoods that could not be described as reverse

logistics, but if they include environmental considerations,will also be included withinGreen Logistics. For example,Mondscheinand Schilkrut (1997) describe a mixed integer

linear programming model to determine the optimal investmentpolicies for the copperindustry in Chile. A key part of the modelwas to control air pollution through emissions

in the production process. Legislation within the EuropeanCommunity gives highimportance to recycled products and, in somecases, it has established the responsibility

for the end of life products to the manufacturers. For example,the Waste Electronic andElectrical E (WEEE) Directive(2002/96/EC)1 deals with this. Such legislation

is one of the drivers in establishing the importance of reverselogistics operations. MostEuropean companies will increasingly haveto think about incorporating Reverse

Logistics activities in their business operations.






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