COD物流 , 电商小包物流 , 跨境电商快递 , 一件代发


跨境电商的热度仍在持续,国内电商卖家将眼光聚焦在海外消费者手上。中东地区具有约4.9亿人口,并且包括卡特尔、以色列、科威特、阿联酋等在内的中东国家人均GDP均位于世界50名。根据InternetWorld Stats数据,中东地区网民超1.6亿,互联网渗透率达60%,电商市场庞大。



关于中东物流,不得不提就是具有中东特色的COD(Cash OnDelivery),中东线上支付不发达,80%消费者仍然选择货到付款,虽然货到付款的模式降低了消费的消费门槛,但网购者们对于电商信任度仍然较低,拒付率居高不下。并且中东物流基础弱,无清晰地址规划,投递人员找不到门牌号和邮编导致后一公里投递效率低。



The new risk-based capital framework leaves room for supervisoryinterpretation

and discretion (e.g. in the model-approval process or theapplication of capital add-ons inPillar 2). Solvency II may thusgive rise to level playing field discussions between the

insurance industry and supervisors. 3 A detailed overview of themarket aids an informeddebate about the materiality of levelplaying field issues. It also helps supervisors to assess

the impact ofSolvency II across Europe.

The aim ofthis paper is twofold. The first aim is to provide acomprehensive overview ofcross-border insurance in Europe. The datasources on international insurance provide a

scattered view of the European market. The European Insuranceand Occupational

Pensions Authority (EIOPA) publishes data on cross-borderbranches, while OECDInsurance Statistics provide an aggregate,albeit incomplete, overview of foreign sub-

sidiaries. We complement these public data with supervisorydata. The so-called colleges

of supervisors, with representatives from the home country, hostcountries and EIOPA,enhance the consistent and effectivesupervision of European cross-border insurers. 4

The Helsinki Protocol describes the required collaborationbetween European insurance

supervisors in the group supervision of these insurance groups.As part of this groupsupervision, EIOPA has collected the “Helsinkilist” of European insurance groups, with a

detailed breakdown of branches and subsidiaries by country ofthe major insurers across

the European Economic Area (EEA). In addition, EIOPA collectsthe “U.S. list” ofEuropean branches and subsidiaries ofmajor U.S.insurers. 5 We develop a methodology to

link the Helsinki and U.S. data to the EIOPA data on foreignbranches and OECD data on

foreign subsidiaries. The result is a new and comprehensive dataset of cross-border insurance in Europe.





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